Friday, December 14, 2007

New ABORT SCENE album by 2008...


Hey Conservative Punks and rationalhardcore enthusiasts, I'm happy to announce that the latest songs from ABORT SCENE are recorded and mixed. This album has been completed despite technical difficulties at every point along the way, and the final sound ranges from "mediocre live bootleg" to "decent home studio". Most of my favorites came out pretty good, though, and I think it is musically a hybrid of later Germs and later Clash with liberty-focused Guttermouth/Vandals/Fear/Germs - styled lyrics, a dash of hip-hop, and the YDB - meets - raincloud zero instrumentation you have come to love over the past year or so...

...Speaking of raincloud zero, those of you who have followed PhoenixHeart Records from early on may be aware that it is the electronic music project started back in 1999... There was the 'Static is Pretty' album released on PhoenixHeart in 2003, then a teaser ep called 'Drive' in early '04, but nothing since then. I've obviously been busy programming other music in the meantime. I think you Conservative Punks deserve to dance and enjoy yourselves, so I have placed 5 techno/industrial songs in the vein of raincloud zero at the end of the new ABORT SCENE album. That's 12 lyrical tracks + 5 wordless dancers = 17 total trax. More details on the songs coming soon. I see even more of both types in the near future, as well as some other genres...


Thursday, November 8, 2007

Time for a NEWS UPDATE.
More from Yish and ABORT SCENE on the horizon. Read below and check out the rotating images on the right side of the screen to learn what is new at PhoenixHeart Records & Media...

Publishing - Contact us to cover our songs. Go to our publishing page to get song lists and lyrics.

Virtual Venue - Geography shouldn't stop you from seeing conservative and libertarian artists. The Yellow Day Brigade has several live video performances available for viewing on YouTube at our Virtual Venue. We are seeking submissions from more conservative and libertarian artists. Upload your videos and let us know!

PhoenixHeart Bookstore Recommended Reading
- We have been improving our bookstore, and we are currently featuring several books with the kinds of messages we seek from artists of all kinds. Buy them in our store, which is powered by Amazon.

Thanks for checking in. More news coming soon...

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Libertarian & Conservative Music

Welcome to PhoenixHeart Records & Media!

Are you a libertarian or conservative artist? Contact us (link above)

Go to Rationalhardcore Times (libertarian hardcore zine) by clicking the link or image to the right. From there, check out our articles and band list... Then check out Music_76 !!

Register on's forums (& say you saw it on

Listen to ABORT SCENE & The YDB.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

PhoenixHeart Records & Media shirts available at our STORE
We have added 3 new song downloads from ABORT SCENE's 'Right to Secede' album, so check those out on the purevolume or in our STORE, which has plenty of libertarian and apolitical music, books, and other items for sale.

I invite you to read some of the articles linked from the marquee above.

Thanks for stopping by!


Saturday, July 7, 2007

New ABORT SCENE - 'Right To Secede'

'Right To Secede' is 17 rationalhardcore songs from ABORT SCENE, fittingly released just in time for Independence Day. Songs protesting in the name of private property, free association, non-aggression and of course, the right to secede! Fighting against racism, multiculturalism, and leftist idiocy. A couple of cool covers, too. Go to the STORE to buy it for $4 on CDr.

We'll have an upcoming release from the band Yish in the near future...

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Site Re-Design

It is site re-design time again. While the new version of the site is very meat-and-potatoes, I think you'll find it to be functional and easily usable. I would like to take some time to point out some of the new features, which will open in a new window when clicked on this page:

Libertarian Music Archive - It is just what it sounds like. Please don't hesitate to contact us with more artists and songs to add to the list.

rationalhardcore times - magazine reviewing and promoting libertarian and conservative music, with an emphasis on hardcore/punk genres

The Virtual Venue - With the power of YouTube, we can bring performances from around the world to your computer. - An outside entity, this website is a portal to all kinds of resources and news media regarding Men's Rights and the Men's Movement. If you are tired of anti-male feminazism in media, education, culture, and legislation, this is definitely for you. Highly recommended.

PLAE - paleolibertarian arts & entertainment - Showcasing libertarian art/entertainment. Sort of a sibling project of rationalhardcore times.

Mises Media at - The #1 site for Austrian Economics, and closely tied to, which is the top libertarian website on the internet. Lots of great educational articles, books, audio lectures, films, et cetera. Much of it is free and can be podcasted. Better than a "college education".

We also have links to other educational media (some of it in-house), as well as a number of stores. Please take your time, look around, listen to our musical artists, and get inspired to do what you can to support PhoenixHeart Records & Media. Together, we can make a difference. Thank you.


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Welcome to PhoenixHeart Records & Media

Thanks for stopping by. We'll keep you updated on the happenings at PhoenixHeart Records & Media by posting here.

Several new albums, most notably by Yish and ABORT SCENE, have recently been released. More are on the way, and other art projects abound...

Check out the latest issue of rationalhardcore times before you leave, and don't forget to subscribe if you like what you see!