Friday, May 2, 2008


The website has been receiving some major improvements over the past month or so. We have a few more website features on the way, so be sure to keep checking back!

We are very excited to introduce the first incarnation of our various profiles of artists. There are profiles of both Libertarian/Conservative artists and also artists that we consider relevant. (We know we missed some, and there is a list of those we need to add...) These profiles will continue to develop with original review content, but we think you will find them to be very useful as they already contain a wealth of info on most listed bands. This will prove to be a great resource for checking out new (and old) music.

Rationalhardcore Times is now right on the main page at, and the site will continue as Rationalhardcore Times' blog.

The apolitical punk jam band Yish is currently in hiatus. Some unreleased material is forthcoming. Exactly how much is yet to be determined. Exactly when is even foggier, but we think it will be good when we have decided!

We will have more updates in the near future. In the meantime, we encourage you to check out our in-house artists and the many profiles of Libertarian/Conservative artists. And of course, we would love it if you bought some records.

More artist updates are forthcoming. Thank you for your patience!