Sunday, October 11, 2009

Raincloud Zero on iTunes

Raincloud Zero's 'Orchid Nights' is now on iTunes: The address is below:

Monday, September 21, 2009

Raincloud Zero releases 'ORCHID NIGHTS'

You can download the 24-track 'Orchid Nights' at

'Orchid Nights' is Raincloud Zero's first proper full-length album. Raincloud Zero began in 1999, and 'Orchid Nights' has been in production since 2004. We now have 24 exciting tracks to show for it.

This album is a sort of tribute to the electronic music dance-floor experience. It is a tribute to the people and the music. It is a tribute to the pre-parties, parties, and after-parties. It is a tribute to the combination of sight and sound; to movement and the creative process.

Raincloud Zero has always avoided the trappings of repetitive and simple electronic music in favor of excitement. While the past 10 years have allowed for greater appreciation of all kinds of music, the stylistic vision remains the same: To produce electronic music that creates an ecstatic experience for the listener, not to produce only the background beat to the experience. The music should be good enough on its own.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Raincloud Zero - coming soon

The new Raincloud Zero full-length album will be available soon. Twenty-four techno tracks from the past five years will be unleashed to the dance floor.

Stay tuned!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Upcoming Release

The wait for a new, full-length RAINCLOUD ZERO album is nearly over. The music is done, the song listing is set, and the album art is coming together nicely.

We'll let you know when and where you can get it... soon!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

New Stuff on the Way!

The new RAINCLOUD ZERO album is progressing nicely, and NUKE THE RAINFOREST has some new stuff in the works as well. And there should be some more new stuff. NEW NEW NEW

Stay tuned!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Apolitical Libertarian Culture

Happy Easter from PhoenixHeart Records & Media!

Also, our message below has been published at We strongly recommend also reading the article on the history of "Cultural Marxism" linked in the body of this message.

At PhoenixHeart Records and Rationalhardcore Times, we are working toward an apolitical libertarian culture and lifestyle that many can live and experience. The idea of an “apolitical libertarian culture” may need some explanation for some people: Basically, as libertarianism seeks to get government out of our lives, and “politics” is the sum of government intrusion and interaction in our lives, the maintenance of a lifestyle and culture that is apolitical while holding up libertarian principles (see non-aggression) would be a positive aim of libertarianism.

Marxist leftists, eager to politicize everyday life, are constantly trying to promote and reinforce the hold of their ideology through various mainstream and “hip” forms of media and cultural expression. Hence, “Cultural Marxism” or “Multiculturalism” ( see ). It needn't be explicit to be effective, as the populace has been taught to take the Marxists' assumptions for granted. Schools, Television, Pop Culture, and various statist agents have already done much of the preparation work behind the scenes.

A libertarian opposition will therefore be outspoken when calling out statist and Marxist attitudes and ideas. Such an opposition would be considered “antipolitical” (against government intrusion). However, while the fight is very important and necessary, the end goal is a sustainable apolitical (without government intrusion) lifestyle.

It may be wise to focus on the goal while maintaining the discipline of the fighting spirit. Taking a cue from the PMA-themed origins of hardcore punk, consider applying the “Law of Attraction”:

Followers of the libertarian and conservative punk movement may notice antipolitical music acts such as ABORT SCENE that are explicitly preachy in their lyrics and messages. Such songs seek to build and maintain the discipline of the fighting (antipolitical) spirit. While many of these works are full of energy and ideas, one must be careful to focus that energy toward discipline and not back at the problem/enemy who will use it to fuel his side of the fight, breeding more politics and therefore defeating the purpose. A disciplined and engaged fighting spirit is necessary given the nature of the issues, but we mustn't lose sight of the goal.

Therefore, PhoenixHeart Records & Media seeks to be a sanctuary where apolitical libertarian cultural expression may be fostered. It is an environment where artistic expressions may be born and thrive without political intrusion and Marxist suggestions.

Do not forget “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. You want to be happy. Everyone does, though some may seem to deny it. Peter Pan had the right idea. PhoenixHeart Records is a libertarian “happy place”. Expect more works of this nature without the surrender of libertarian discipline.

The fight is not the end in itself. That is what statists and political agents mistakenly want you to believe, that you may not succeed. What we want is to live happily without government intrusions. We want to live without Marxist cultural suggestions. We want to experience liberty. Surround yourself with that which is good. Feel it now and carry that experience with you if you wish to win the fight.

CCMD of PhoenixHeart Records & Media

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

7 Years of PhoenixHeart Records

Yes, the original "PhoenixHeart Records DIY" is 7 years old. Much has happened since this label was started in spring 2002 as a platform for local and regional punk & indie bands. Our main changes have been our decision to insist on in-house production and our shift to a more explicit focus on libertarian, paleoconservative, and apolitical art. One thing that has remained is our steadily growing output of exciting, original music. That is something we intend to continue. We also continue to believe in creating a real alternative to the politics and moral bankruptcy peddled by popular culture. There is a reason our first release was titled 'Tolerance for Integrity', and with 77 (and counting) mp3s available through various sellers such as itunes and amazon mp3, the seeds are out there.

Please join us as we celebrate the vision of PhoenixHeart Records and look forward to many more years and releases. We will keep you updated here with news on production, releases, and other relevant happenings.

PhoenixHeart Records & Media

raincloud zero album and more coming soon

The RAINCLOUD ZERO album is progressing nicely, and will hopefully be filled with about 80 minutes of dance, techno, and industrial music. Production is being done in spurts, and it will take a few more of these spurts before it is complete. This release will probably be a bit more diverse than previous offerings while still retaining the distortion-laden dancers you love. We'll try to keep you up to date as production continues and we near a release date.